Ñîðòèðîâêà è ïîèñê - ðåöåïòóðíûé ñïðàâî÷íèê


Êîäû äëÿ áûñòðîãî ïîèñêà (ôóíêöèè Quicksort)

typedef int T;          /* type of item to be sorted */

typedef int tblIndex;   /* type of subscript */


#define CompGT(a,b) (a > b)


tblIndex partition(T *a, tblIndex lb, tblIndex ub) {

    T t, pivot;

    tblIndex i, j, p;



    *  partition array a[lb..ub]  *



    /* select pivot and exchange with 1st element */

    p = lb + ((ub - lb)>>1);

    pivot = a[p];

    a[p] = a[lb];


    /* sort lb+1..ub based on pivot */

    i = lb+1;

    j = ub;

    while (1) {

        while (i < j && compGT(pivot, a[i])) i++;

        while (j >= i && compGT(a[j], pivot)) j--;

        if (i >= j) break;

        t = a[i];

        a[i] = a[j];

        a[j] = t;

        j--; i++;



    /* pivot belongs in a[j] */

    a[lb] = a[j];

    a[j] = pivot;


    return j;



void quickSort(T *a, tblIndex lb, tblIndex ub) {

    tblIndex m;



    *  sort array a[lb..ub]  *



    while (lb < ub) {


        /* quickly sort short lists */

        if (ub - lb <= 12) {

            insertSort(a, lb, ub);




        /* partition into two segments */

        m = partition (a, lb, ub);


        /* sort the smallest partition    */

        /* to minimize stack requirements */

        if (m - lb <= ub - m) {

            quickSort(a, lb, m - 1);

            lb = m + 1;

        } else {

            quickSort(a, m + 1, ub);

            ub = m - 1;




Ñîäåðæàíèå ðàçäåëà